Beautiful, Strong Women
I spent the weekend at a workshop in Santa Cruz run by Cynthis Tsai. The workshop was about empowering women to find their inner core and to go out into the world and live authentically. Okay, so maybe this sounds a bit woo, woo, but it turned out to be quite an inspiring and powerful weekend. Cynthia did a great job of presenting her material--she was engaging, real and interesting to listen to. And it was a great group of strong, intelligent, yet sensitive women. It is always interesting for me to go into a new environment not knowing anyone only to discover that I have so much in common with so many of them. I met some amazing women this weekend who showed me I am not alone in my quest for love, understanding and respect. I thrive off of interactions such as these--they inspire me to stay on my path and continue the growth I have been experiencing over these past few years.
Maybe taking these workshops is a form of mid-life crisis!! I find there are a lot of women my age who are in seek mode, trying to make sense of who they are in a creative world and how to express that authentically. It is definitely pushing me into the idea of running some Expressive Arts workshops to help these women tap into their deepest creativity. I need to stop talking about it and DO it. I have a strong sense that these workshops would be very well received--especially after what I experienced this weekend.
Azucar de Amor, my next CD, is being shipped off to Disc Makers today to start the manufacturing process. The photos are beautiful, the music, I must say, is exciting and vibrant, and it is time to release this project to the world! By the time I am back from Brazil in early December, the CDs should be ready. I can't wait!!