Many Different Hats
As I dig deeper into this world of a full-time musician I realize that I must wear many hats in order to survive--and thrive--in this business. It's not enough to be a performer anymore and apparently you aren't as respected if that is all you do! Honestly, if I meet people who can survive solely on their performance money, I'm incredibly impressed! But the general consensus--or so I've been told--is that you need to be more than just a performer. Teaching, lecturing, composing are all avenues that need to be covered in order to be truly accepted and respected. I'm not really sure if I believe this 100%, but I do know there is some truth to it. AND, it is important to find other means of income when and if performance dates become lean and the bills still need to be paid. :) But not only is this important to latch onto, but you also need to be a good business person, know marketing, have a good vision towards the future to make sure you remain a viable force in the music business. It's a lot of things to have to think about, but also just as essential if you are to remain in this business.
We, as in the Patois Record label and I, are in the process of creating a good business plan to prepare for the launch of my next CD. There have been some good ideas thrown around so far and I'm pretty excited about the prospect of having a label backing me up while this next CD is "born". There is so much to think about and so much preparation before the CD actually hits the stores--it's amazing to me how much actually goes into the creation of the music. Not only does it have to be recorded, mixed, mastered and designed, but then a whole marketing plan must be put into place if it is to be successful. Although it sounds daunting at times, it is also very exciting and I look forward to the coming months as the gestation process continues and the whole package takes shape and grows into what I hope will be a truly spectacular event!
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