Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!
Today is not only Thanksgiving day but also my mom's birthday, which makes it doubly special. It's already her favorite holiday, but when her birthday falls on the same day it makes it that much more special for everyone involved. There will be around 16 people gathered around her table today to share in good food, good people and lots of love. It's a good holiday where everyone contributes to the meal and there are no presents involved! We can just appreciate and enjoy each other's company. I'm looking forward to being with everyone. I am particularly happy because Danilo flew in from New York yesterday. Although his flight in Dallas was cancelled, he was able to jump on another flight headed for San Francisco that got him in only one hour later than his original flight. I was so relieved that he didn't have to sit in the Dallas airport for hours wondering if and when he would get onto another flight. I hope his trip home goes a bit smoother than this one did. And I hope that Murray and I don't have any difficulties with the airlines during our long, long trip down to Brazil.
I had to put one of my cats to sleep yesterday. All three of us--Pat, Danilo and I--went down to the vet's office and held her while they euthanized her. it was quick and seemingly painless for her but nevertheless it was really sad and she will be greatly missed. Her name was Tigra and we had had her for almost 14 years. She was such a great and cuddly cat but then she developed cancer that added to an already arthritic body. She was getting worse and I knew her quality of life had diminished so much that it was time to say goodbye. Danilo asked for me to wait until he returned home so he could be present. It was sad and Pat and I both cried, but she had a good and loving life and I know she is in a better place now.
I'm hoping while Danilo is here all three of us can record a song together. Both of my boys are such creative and talented songwriters and I love the idea of collaborating with the two of them. I'm just hoping we can come up with something that we can all agree on. It's like too many cooks in the kitchen; you might create a hodgepodge of chaos or a beautiful masterpiece, depending on the willingness of everyone to open up and allow the magic to happen.
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