Monday, March 24, 2008

Can I Get Some Bragging Rights Here? !! :)

I woke up this morning and checked my e-mails to see what had happened in the world overnight. In my inbox was an e-mail from Wayne Wallace showing me that my new CD, Azucar de Amor, is currently ranked at 300 on the site. What this means is that of all of the latin jazz CDs for sale on, mine is currently ranked as the second most sold CD!! Right after Kenny G's new CD. Man this feels good!! :) After working so hard to make a musical mark in this world, even these little victories are huge for me. It just helps to reinforce why I continue along this path and that maybe it's not such a crazy dream after all!

This week I will preparing for my trip to Washington State to perform on Friday at Bake's Place in Issaquah and then Sunday at the Jazz Project in Bellingham. I'm pretty sure everything is in order at this point, logistically speaking. Now all i have to do is get my allergies under control so I can sing to my very best ability. Although it is a huge expense, I'm really glad I'm taking the trio with me: Murray Low: piano, Peter Barshay: bass and Paul van Wageningen: drums. Having them on the gigs will relax me even more and allow me to do the kind of job I want to do instead of worrying about whether they'll be able to play my charts. It is going to be a very exciting and fun weekend. If you're in WAS state. PLEASE come to one of the gigs and introduce yourself. :)

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